Crossword Puzzle

Cossword PuzzleTest your local savvy with our Crossword Puzzle contest, where every clue leads you to the name of a cherished local advertiser featured in Small Town Shoppers. Clues like '_______ Dock Media' beckon you to delve into the magazine's pages to uncover the answers. It’s a fun and interactive way to familiarize yourself with the businesses that enrich our community.

Complete the crossword, take a picture of your completed puzzle and submit your answer below. Crack the clues, submit your answers, and you could win a $50 VISA gift card.

Let the puzzle-solving begin!

Game Winners

Find the Flag

Ronald Overbey
Big Sandy, TN


Word Search

Lori Troutt
Camden, TN


Crossword Puzzle

Connie Head
Camden, TN


Take a Selfie

Davina Fargo
Camden, TN


Word Scramble

Shelby McBroom
Big Sandy, TN