Take a Selfie

Word ScrambleUnleash your linguistic skills in our newly added Word Scramble contest. The names of 7 of our esteemed advertisers have been scrambled into anagrams, testing your ability to unscramble them. This isn't just a game; it's an exploration of the local businesses that contribute to the heartbeat of our community.

Unscramble all the names, take a picture of your completed game, and submit it in the form below. Your lexical agility could win you a $50 VISA gift card.

Get ready to unscramble and win!

Game Winners

Find the Flag

Ronald Overbey
Big Sandy, TN


Word Search

Lori Troutt
Camden, TN


Crossword Puzzle

Connie Head
Camden, TN


Take a Selfie

Davina Fargo
Camden, TN


Word Scramble

Shelby McBroom
Big Sandy, TN